KVID Board of Directors

Kachina Village Domestic Water Improvement District Board of Directors is composed of residents and landowners in Kachina Village. These members of your community have volunteered their time to help manage the utility for the benefit of all Kachina Village residents.

Meeting agendas and minutes can be found HERE

Board meeting dates and agendas are posted online on KVID's homepage, at KVID's offices, and at the Pic n Run convenience store.

You can contact the Board of Directors by emailing businessoffice@kachinawater.com and putting "KVID Board of Directors" in the subject line.



Chair Peter Smith businessoffice@kachinawater.com
Vice-Chair Alan Dulaney businessoffice@kachinawater.com
Treasurer Tyanna Burton businessoffice@kachinawater.com
Secretary Ron Bauman businessoffice@kachinawater.com
Clerk Glenn Hoge businessoffice@kachinawater.com